Events and Liturgical Celebrations during March & April 2019
> On Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 March 2019, the 5:30 pm Mass will not be said.
> On Wednesday 6 March, the Ash Wednesday Mass will be said at 8:30 am and in the evening at 6:30 pm, The Ash Wednesday Mass will be celebrated by His Grace, Mgr Charles J. Scicluna, Archbishop of Malta.
> On Palm Sunday, 14 April, at 10:30 am, the Archbishop blesses the olive and palm branches in the Oratory and will continue with the reading of the Passion of Our Lord, together with the Metropolitan Chapter.
> On 17 April, at 7:00 pm, The Way of the Cross organised by the Archdiocese of Malta will be led by the Archbishop. The penitential pilgrimage will start from the monument of Christ the King in Floriana and finishes at the steps of St John’s Co-Cathedral.
> On Maundy Thursday, 18 April, at 9:15 am, The Chrism Mass will be celebrated by the Archbishop, together with with the Metropolitan Chapter, the congregation and priests.
> On Thursday 18 April, at 6:00 pm, the Archbishop presides over the Mass of the Solemn Memorial of the Lord’s Supper. The ceremony includes the washing of the feet and ends with a procession with the Blessed Sacrament to the Altar of Reposition.
> On Friday, 19 April, at 3:30 pm, the Archbishop presides over the Liturgical Commemoration of the Passion and Death of the Lord, at St John’s Co-Cathedral, Valletta.
> On Saturday, 20 April, at 8:00 pm, the Archbishop together with the Metropolitan Chapter presides over the liturgy of the Easter Vigil, at St John’s Co-Cathedral. Before the Easter Vigil liturgy, the Archbishop blesses the Fire on the parvis, lights the candle and move inside the Church, in complete darkness, and lights all the candles of the devotees. The Liturgy of the Word commences soon after. After the conclusion of the Liturgy of the Word, the blessed baptismal water is distributed in small bottles to everyone.
> On Sunday 21 April, Easter Sunday at 10.30 am, the Archbishop presides over the Stational Mass of Easter Sunday – The Resurrection of the Lord, at St John Co-Cathedral.
> On the Octave Day of Easter, Saturday 27 of April at 9:30 am, Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna together with the Metropolitan Chapter and other priests will lead the Mass for the Presbyterial Ordination of four deacons.