Audition Call for New Children’s Choir to Represent The St John’s Co-Cathedral Foundation
St John’s Co-Cathedral Foundation is pleased to announce the formation of a children’s choir to represent the Foundation both locally and abroad.
The choir will be trained by leading soprano Gillian Zammit and sessions will include classes in vocal technique, choral singing, history of music, theory and sight-singing which will aim to give the choristers an all-round musical experience. The choir will represent the Foundation both locally and abroad in international festivals and competitions.
Rehearsals will be held on Wednesdays and will run from October through to June. Apart from vocal ability and musical aptitude, an important requirement to forming part of this choir is full commitment to the project.

Ms Gillian Zammit
Soprano & Voice Coach
• Ave Maria (Bach/Gounod)
• Panis Angelicus (C. Franck)
• Amazing grace (J. Newton)
• Morning has broken (Traditional)
Please send an email to events@stjohnscocathedral.com and include the following details :
- Applicants name
- Age
- Parent/guardian contact details
- Musical education (if any)
- Performance experience (if any)
The choir will be adhering to the following guidelines which form part of the Arts Council and the Ministry for Health’s ‘Standards for Choirs’ issued under the Public Health Act to safeguard all participating members.
• Rehearsal rooms will be well ventilated and only one choir member per 4 square meters of floor area will be allowed. The choir will be divided into smaller groups during weekly sessions that will meet at different times to enable ensemble singing. Members will meet regularly all together for a rehearsal at St John’s Co Cathedral. A distance of at least 2 and a half meters will always be maintained between each member when rehearsing at the Cathedral.
• Temperature will be taken before the sessions start and an attendance register will be kept for ease of contact tracing, mandatory hand sanitization will take place before and after each session and the surfaces in the rehearsal space will be disinfected before and after use. Members will be asked to wear a mask unless singing and tutors will wear masks at all times unless singing themselves.
• Each member will have their own scores which they will keep in their own file and there will be no sharing of any materials.
• If any member feels unwell or has a member of the family that is unwell they must stay at home and miss that rehearsal.