Ombudsman’s Report confirms that the alleged damages to the Bartolott Crypt are unfounded
Ombudsman’s Report confirms that the alleged damages to the Bartolott Crypt are unfounded
The St John’s Co-Cathedral Foundation welcomes the report issued by the Ombudsman following an investigation initiated on a complaint based on the content of an online publication last January.
The Ombudsman investigated the allegations raised against the Foundation and concluded that they were completely unfounded.
The Foundation strongly reiterates that the publication was founded on incorrect, misleading and deceitful information. The Ombudsman’s investigation report unequivocally confirms that there was never a floor collapse, other incident or damage to the Crypt or the underlying burial chambers.
Furthermore, the report has confirmed that all works carried out at the Bartolott Crypt were conducted in full compliance with the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage (SCH) and planning orders, as the Foundation stated immediately responding to the said online publication.
The St John’s Co-Cathedral Foundation remains committed to upholding the highest ethical and scientific standards of conservation and restoration, while safeguarding the historical and cultural integrity of this national heritage site. Every intervention implemented at the Co-Cathedral, and the Museum’s construction site, is being carried out with due diligence, thorough research and in complete conformity to professional guidance to attain the best possible outcome.
One may view the full Ombudsman’s report here.
L-Ombudsman jikkonferma li l-allegati ħsarat fil-Kripta ta’ Bartolott mhumiex minnhom
Il-Fondazzjoni tal-Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann tilqa’ r-rapport maħruġ mill-Ombudsman wara investigazzjoni mibdija fuq ilment ibbażat fuq il-kontenut ta’ pubblikazzjoni onlajn f’Jannar li għadda.
L-Ombudsman investiga l-allegazzjonijiet li tqajmu kontra l-Fondazzjoni u kkonkluda li dawn kienu kompletament infondati.
Il-Fondazzjoni ttenni bil-qawwa li l-pubblikazzjoni kienet ibbażata fuq informazzjoni skorretta u qarrieqa. Ir-rapport ta’ investigazzjoni tal-Ombudsman jikkonferma b’mod inekwivoku li qatt ma kien hemm kollass tal-art, inċident ieħor jew ħsara fil-Kripta jew fil-kmamar tad-dfin li jinsabu taħt l-istess Kripta.
Barra minn hekk, ir-rapport ikkonferma li x-xogħlijiet kollha li saru fil-Kripta Bartolott twettqu b’konformità sħiħa mas-Sovrintendenza tal-Wirt Kulturali (SCH) u l-ordnijiet tal-ippjanar, kif iddikjarat il-Fondazzjoni b’risposta immedjata għall-imsemmija pubblikazzjoni onlajn.
Il-Fondazzjoni tal-Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann tibqa’ impenjata li ssostni l-ogħla standards etiċi u xjentifiċi ta’ konservazzjoni u restawr, filwaqt li tissalvagwardja l-integrità storika u kulturali ta’ dan is-sit ta’ wirt nazzjonali. Kull intervent implimentat fil-Konkatidral, u fis-sit tal-kostruzzjoni tal-Mużew, qed isir b’diliġenza dovuta, riċerka bir-reqqa u b’konformità sħiħa mal-pariri professjonali biex jinkiseb l-aħjar riżultat possibbli.